
Anton van der Merwe receives Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator award

August 2013

The Dunn School is delighted to hear the news of Anton’s award for his research into immune recognition by non-catalytic tyrosine phosphorylated receptors.

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Ivan Ahel to receive Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship

August 2013

Ivan has secured a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship to fund research into protein poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in genome stability and disease. We look forward to welcoming Ivan and his group to the Dunn School in the autumn.

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Fumiko Esashi to receive Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship

August 2013

Fumiko has been awarded a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship to try to answer the question: how do proliferating human cells maintain genome integrity? Congratulations.

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Matthew Freeman receives Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator award

August 2013

The award is supporting the research of Matthew’s group into the control of signalling by members of the rhomboid-like superfamily. Senior Investigator Awards support exceptional, world-class researchers, so congratulations to all our recent recipients of the award.

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New groups moving into OMPI

August 2013

Joining Dragana Ahel in the OMPI building from 1 September, will be research groups led by her husband, Ivan Ahel (also joining the Dunn School from Manchester), Ulrike Grüneberg (transferring from Biochemistry), and a current Dunn School group led by Monika Gullerova.

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Monika Gullerova receives John Fell Main Award

April 2013

Congratulations to Monika Gullerova on her recent John Fell Main Award.  This will fund a postdoc position in her laboratory starting sometime this year.

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Susan Lea to receive Wellcome Senior Investigator Award

December 2012

Many congratulations to Susan Lea on her Wellcome Senior investigator Award.

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Monica Martinez Alonso awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship

November 2012

Congratulations to Monica Martinez Alonso (Fodor lab) who has been awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship to study the interplay between the influenza virus and host transcriptional machineries.

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Congratulations to Bungo Akiyoshi (Gull lab) who has been awarded a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship

November 2012

Congratulations to Bungo Akiyoshi (Gull lab) who has been awarded a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship. Dr Akiyoshi will be studying chromosome segregation, a mechanism that occurs in all living cells each time they divide. Errors in this process lead to birth defects and diseases such as cancer. By studying the mechanism in the parasitic organism Trypanosoma...

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Monika Gullerova receives MRC Career Development Award

October 2012

Congratulations to Monika Gullerova who has been awarded MRC Career Development Award. The MRC career development award provides up to five years’ support for outstanding post-doctoral researchers who wish to consolidate their research skills and make the transition from post-doctoral research trainee to independent investigator.

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Fusion: the newsletter of the Sir William Dunn of Pathology, Issue 11 now available Issue 11 of Fusion is now available at this link: Fusion, Issue 11, Michaelmas Term 2012

October 2012

Fusion: the newsletter of the Sir William Dunn of Pathology, Issue 11 now available   Issue 11 of Fusion is now available at this link: Fusion, Issue 11, Michaelmas Term 2012

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Naren Srinivasan is officially a ‘Bright Spark’ after coming first place in the competition at the ECI

September 2012

Congratulations to Naren Srinivasan,  (Maloy lab), who came in first place in the ‘Bright Sparks in ECImmunology’ at the recent European Congress of Immunology

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Simon Hunt to be presented with Excellent Teacher award

September 2012

Congratulations to Simon Hunt who will receive an Excellent Teacher award at a ceremony on 7th November at Rhodes House.

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British Heart Foundation funded studentships successfully renewed

July 2012

The British Heart Foundation has funded the Oxford Cardiovascular Science D. Phil. studentship scheme to be run by Professor David R. Greaves. This scheme will provide sixteen fully-funded 4-year graduate studentships for basic research into all aspects of cardiovascular science across the Medical Sciences Division from October 2013 – October 2016 (£2.3 million over 7 years)....

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Omer Dushek awarded a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship

June 2012

Many congratulations to Omer Dushek who has been awarded a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship. The start date is September 1, 2012 and it is for 5 years. The title of the award is: ‘Predicting efficient T cell activation with therapeutic applications.  The aim is to use mathematical modelling and quantitative experiments to provide mechanistic models...

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