Electron Microscopy
The Electron Microscopy (EM) Facility provides access to state-of-the-art electron microscopes and a wide range of cutting edge biological electron microscopy techniques, along with expert electron microscopists to help guide your project.
Light Microscopy
The Light Microscopy Facility provides its users with high-end confocal and fluorescent light microscopes, as well as training and personalised advice.
Flow Cytometry
The Don Mason Flow Cytometry Facility provides access to the latest advancements in flow cytometry.
Genome Engineering
Genome Engineering Oxford (GEO) provides a CRISPR design and testing service to generate experimentally tested vectors, as well as engineered mammalian cell lines.
Surface plasmon resonance facility with advanced analysis
The Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) facility provides users with the ability to study molecular interactions.
Dunn School researchers have access to a variety of other scientific laboratory resources, such as tissue culture, CL3 space and surface plasmon resonance.
In addition to the Dunn School Scientific Facilities, all Dunn School members also have access to a range of scientific facilities in other departments at the University of Oxford, including: