The Light Microscopy Facility, part of the Dunn School Bioimaging Facility, provides its users with high-end confocal and fluorescent light microscopes, as well as training and personalised advice.
Drosophila Larval gut (Freeman lab)
Within the Facility, we maintain a range of light microscopes for both fixed and live cell work.
An Olympus SoRa spinning disc, a Zeiss 880 with fast Airyscan both equipped for live cell work and super-resolution imaging, an Olympus FV1200 laser scanning microscope and a second FV1000 laser scanning confocal for routine fixed cell work and an Evos M700 for long-time lapse imaging, multi-well plate imaging and histopathology samples.
We aim to provide expert support to our users, including training on our microscopes and advice at all stages of their experiments. Users of the facility also have access to a range of introductory and advanced microscopy courses across the University. These microscopes are associated with the broader Oxford Bioimaging Network , which ensures that researchers at the Dunn School and across the University of Oxford have access to the full range of cutting-edge microscopy techniques.
The facility is managed by Alan Wainman who has over fifteen years of post-doctoral experience using microscopes to research cell division at Cambridge, Rome and Oxford, and has managed the Light Microscopy Facility at the Dunn School for over twelve years.
Please contact Alan (; 01865 285486) for more information and to discuss how you can use the Dunn School light microscopes to further your research.