Professor Kevin Foster combines his unique background in maths, ecology, evolution and microbiology to study microbial communities. He is particularly interested in bacterial competition, and has applied the logic of ecology and evolution to microbiology. His recent flagship study pioneers the use of ecological principles rooted in nutrient competition and bacterial genomes to predict which sets of gut bacterial will limit the growth of important bacterial pathogens.
After successful postdocs in Texas, Berlin and Helsinki, Professor Foster started his own group at Harvard University with a prestigious Bauer Fellowship in 2006. He then relocated to Oxford, where he was, until recently, a professor of evolutionary biology in the Departments of Biology and Biochemistry.
“I am excited to take up the Chair of Microbiology and join the Dunn school with its great strength in medical research. My work seeks to apply lessons from classical ecology and evolution to understand microbial communities and microbiome disease. I can think of no better place to engage in this endeavour.”
Previous holders of the Chair of Microbiology include Professor Susan Lea, Professor Stephen Bell and Professor Jeff Errington. It is held in conjunction with a Fellowship at Wadham College.
Foster Group
The Foster group seek to understand and manipulate microbial communities by combining ecological and evolutionary approaches with the study of the human gut microbiome.
Infection and Immunity
Several Dunn School groups use a range of approaches to investigate antigen presentation and immune regulation during health and disease and study the mechanisms that enable bacterial and viral pathogens to invade and proliferate inside their hosts.
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