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A fruity way to learn about DNA!

Children from Wolvercote Primary School in Oxford used strawberries to learn about DNA during a workshop ran by Proudfoot group’s Sue Mei Tan-Wong on Tuesday 16 May.

The workshop was part of a week of science activities at the school arranged by year 6 teacher and science coordinator, Michelle Hansen.

Commenting on the success of the workshop Michelle said: “The children had studied Darwin at the beginning of the year and tried to extract their own DNA in a similar experiment. They were excited to see how easy it was with strawberries and were able to clearly see the DNA.”

Postdoc Sue Mei is passionate about inspiring the young scientists of the future. She said: I believe that children are naturally inquisitive and harnessing this quality from primary school age will begin the cultivation of a positive attitude towards science.”

Over the last five years Sue Mei has also ran workshops locally as part of British Science Week in March.  She commented: “I have worked with pupils from both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. The feedback has always been positive and scientists became incredibly popular overnight!”