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Dunn School announces first Marvellous Mentor Award

Mentors play pivotal roles in all of our lives and careers. To recognize the extraordinary mentors who have generously shared their knowledge to help students learn, fostered growth, and inspired students to become better scientists and people, the Dunn School Graduate Student Association introduced the Marvellous Mentor Award.

Marvelous Mentors

The two winners were announced at this year’s Departmental Symposium.

Dr. Rebecca Smith, post doc in Ivan Ahel’s Lab

“With an enthusiastic approach to science”, Rebecca is clearly not only a “fantastic scientist” but also an excellent mentor. She demonstrated willingness and dedication to help her students through many aspects, including spending late nights with her students at the microscope, helping to take care of cell lines and introducing light-hearted “silly goose” stickers to help during stressful situations. One student said “everyone should have a Rebecca in their lab”

Dr. Erik Bakkeren, post doc in Kevin Foster’s Lab

Erik’s breadth and depth of knowledge have impressed his students. He is tactful and creative in problem solving and experimental design, which has had a tremendous impact on their approach to science. Erik is described by his students as “always having time for questions” and “always giving 100% focus during meetings”. One student attributed “much of what they’ve learned” over the past year to Erik’s incredible mentoring, believing that he embodies the best qualities of all their previous mentors.

On top of being incredibly supportive, both Rebecca and Erik are approachable and foster an open and supportive research environment where no question is too small and no mistake too trivial, demonstrating spirit of collaboration and growth. We gave our heartfelt thank you to these special individuals who go above and beyond and help make the Dunn School a community of growth and support for the next generation of scientists.

Written by Michelle Fan (Stracy lab), co-president of the Dunn School Graduate Student Association


Graduate Student Association

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) actively contributes to student life and aims to maintain a social and supportive graduate student community within the department.

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